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Touched Down in London Town, Finally Naked.

Last night I touched down at Heathrow Airport and I am now officially done living out of a suitcase for a while! I've finally got myself to a room that I can call my own for the next year, here in Central London :) (I know, my wallet is quivering at the thought!)

I am so excited to be settled down again, especially in a new place with a new life - the boy is now a working man, and lives on the other side of London, and I am starting my masters degree in a week's time :) I do love my family, but I'm not one for homesickness so that part's never been an issue luckily :) I've also missed being able to blog and YouTube in a routine kind of, pattern-y way, and as much as I enjoyed trying out products I don't see on the blogosphere (keep your eyes out for Japan haul :)), I'm also thankful for the cheaper high-end prices and being able to get my hands on hypes that I couldn't access in Japan!

So yes, I'm glad to be back! :)

So this is where the blogging and YouTubing will be from now on (bar December, when I'll be back in Japan - again!), and with the great big window I know photographing/video-ing will be a lot easier! I've also got 2 closets, a full-sized mirror and the fashion inspiration of the whole of London so I may even venture into OOTDs :)

Now to explain the last half of the title - yes I'm finally NAKED!

The boyfriend was an absolute babe and accepted parcels for me while I was away :) He also got me the Marie Claire and InStyle from last month, so I've got those nailpolishes to try out too! So while I did feel quite bad here are the bits I just couldn't resist! ;P

Top Left: NARS Dogon
Centre: Urban Decay Naked Palette
Top Right: Clarins Lip Perfector

I wore the Naked Palette today and I can say it's really quite nice! I still need to experiment more before I find something I really like, but for now I've got Toasted all over the lid with Hustle in the outer corner :)

The Clarins Lip Perfector is love. It's a perfect balmy gloss, that evens out your lips and makes them look polished and lovely :)

I haven't tried NARS Dogon yet but I may after I have a full cleanse today!

Those are the views from my room :) Not bad ey?! (Spot the angry woman on the park bench lol)

Anyway today I'm going to try and unpack, meet some people around my halls and hopefully get out to Oxford Street to do a bit of essentials shopping - Liz Earle, MAC and Boots are sure stops :)

Hope you guys have all been well - if you know any great spots in Central London, please let me know! I am still a Warwickshire country bumpkin at heart! ;)
