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Refreshing LUSH Soap Loving :)

I get really OCD with soap - I love having ones that match my mood. For example, one fruity one for refreshing feelings or one sweet one for cozy feelings. Recently with the heat still going at me with full force, I've been opting for 'refreshing' but leaning towards more the citrus scents :)

Because of how easily sweetness can turn into sickliness in the heat, I felt the Body Shop ranges (one of my faves!) were a bit too sweet. So naturally, I turned to my other favourite bath/shower shop - LUSH, which I kind of see as a similar type of brand with good ethics and good products but with a twist of creativity, a sense of humour and an offering that's very different from the BodyShop!

The soap that I'm using now is called Sandstone which you can see above. It has a citrusy scent to it, and the soap itself has some tiny sandbits that help exfoliate your skin (and it's small enough that it doesn't clog your bath!)

I really like this soap, and find it a good middle between a soap and a scrub and don't mind using it everyday. The scent is really refreshing and unoffensive (which I find is kinda rare in LUSH soaps!), and the scrub slowly gets rid of bumps and spots. However, the lack of soapy bubbles makes me wonder how much cleansing it's actually doing.. but it leaves your skin feeling clean and leaves no residue or unnatural squeakyness and leaves your skin feeling like it should - not too dry, but not waxy/greasy - which I absolutely love! :)

The soap that I used before the Sandstone was the Sexy Peel soap (above), which also falls under the category of citrus, but it has a bit of a marmalade-y sweetness to it too. It's still very refreshing and leaves your skin clean, albeit with bit less perfection on the aftertouch than the Sandstone. However, I found that this soap was more suitable for humid weathers as the finish keeps you having fresh skin for longer! Would recommend this for those who play sports or the like :)

The bits of orange peel occasionally falling out and the less bubbling up compared to some other soaps on the market are just tiny blips of a product that does what it says on the tin and smells absolutely amazing! Definitely a must have for the summer!

So which would I prefer? Probably the Sandstone, as while Sexy Peel is better for a soapy cleanse and for humid weather, there are other soaps I like for that! The Sandstone's gradual exfoliation and aftertouch is pricesless, and I would say is the solid version of the Simple Exfoliating Gel - AMAZING stuff! I feel like with both soaps bumps/body spots have gradually gone away. I'm sure if I looked I could find soaps that do it faster - but maybe not necessarily as gently.

What's up next? I recently bought this set off my mom - as my mom runs a charity store, she gets loads of donations, and while this was a great donation she has a policy against cosmetics so I offered to donate some money to her cause in exchange for this set :) I love the little "YOU CANNOT EAT THIS" paper that comes inside the box lol!

I was SO happy when I saw what was inside (I bought it off her without taking a look, as I never mind donating to her cause) - two products I'd considered getting: a 100g bottle of Happy Hippy (which contains pink grapefruit) and a bar of Bohemian soap (which is primarily lemon and is probably the simplest/gentlest soap LUSH offers).

I'm really excited to try these out next - I LOVE LUSH! :D But I'm not sure how much I'll crave refreshing citrus in England's weather at the moment! :P My favourite 'sweet' LUSH soap is Porridge, although I really want to try Miranda too!

What are your favourite 'refreshing' body soaps?
Any favourites from LUSH? :)
