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Figs with Prosciutto and Goat Cheese

Fresh Figs are like the perfect summer day - they're here for but a moment and then they are gone.  
So when these little gems appear - Carpe Diem!  Seize the day!

With delicate skin, floral sweetness and luscious texture, fresh figs are worlds away from the Fig Newtons of my youth.  Fresh figs appear from June to early fall. Some people say they taste like a cross between a peach and a strawberry.

Once picked, figs will soften but will no longer sweeten, so look for ripe ones.  They should be plump, tender and heavy for their size and smell like honey at the stem.  Ripe figs are extremely perishable.  Once you buy them, cover and refrigerate in a single layer for up to two days.  Trust me. That's all the time you've got.

After you've found them, here's something simple and delicious you can do with them!
Slice the figs in half lengthwise and press one teaspoon of goat cheese into the indented center.

Wrap a 1 1/2" wide slice of prosciutto around the fig.  No toothpick required.  It sticks to itself.  
If you have walnuts or pecans on hand, place one of those inside.  This would be delicious, too!

Bake at 350 degrees for 10 - 13  minutes, until the prosciutto gets a little crispy and the fig softens a bit.

Enjoy this sweet, tangy savory treat while they're still warm.
Seize the fig!