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Maybe It's a Maybelline Haul!? (& a bit of a mascara rave)

Lol I couldn't help myself with the title there :P

Personally, Maybelline isn't a brand I often turn to at the drugstore. A lot of their stuff are pretty, but just not the style I enjoy.

However, their mascaras are a different story - to me, they are THE go-to mascara brand in the drugstore, and while not all their mascaras are amazing, I'll still be surprised if a girl's never tried a mascara from them! I can already think of 5 I've tried. My first ever mascara was the Volum' Express Turbo Boost, and I think I went through 3 or 4 tubes before I started exploring.

Anyway, does anyone else remember how AMAZING mascaras seemed when you first ever applied one? I remember realising what a big difference it could make, and absolutely LOVING that difference. But it was all downhill from there, and I never quite felt the same about a mascara - the one that came close was the Maybelline Colossal or MaxFactor False Lash Effect..

Until today :)

After my disappointment with the MAC Plushlash (which you can read about here) I was on the search for another mascara to use for the time-being, and the Maybelline Hyper Curl Volum' Express was the one I went for - and boy, I really did feel like I just popped my mascara cherry all over again.

I love the packaging, how it's slim - my MaxFactor False Lash Effect was not so loved by my stressed out make-up bag! I also adore the tiger print and the metallic pink, yom yom yom. And it's so SHINY!

When I first took a look at the wand I was like 'eh'. I have always been SOOOO skeptical about these kinds of wands, as I usually use big fat chunky fibre or preferably plastic wands and found them to work. I felt like these wouldn't separate enough or apply enough. But I thought I might as well find out when the price is less than a tenner (which seems to be a find in the mascara world these days!).

Ohhh how glad I am that I did! On first impressions, I find they make bottom lash application a lot easier, and apply a lot of product and clump a few lashes together which adds volume without making it look too clumpy, so it's absolutely amazing if you want spider lashes - like these!

I have never, EVER seen my lashes like that - EVER. You can see what my eyelashes look like w/o mascara here. They stayed this curled for the whole day, and  the volume and length is perfect. There was no excessive wet formula like with MAC Plushlash so it was great to use straight out of the box. I also never thought I'd like spiderlashes on myself, but I find it balances out my relatively small eyes!

To be honest, this is completely holy grail status and I haven't said that in a REALLY long time! I may have days where I will prefer a fluffier/lots of lashes look, but that's what my other mascaras are for :D

Apparently there's two kinds of HyperCurl Mascara as you can read about on this blog - and this one is limited edition. Is it true? I also checked on the Maybelline UK website, but can't seem to find it - does anyone know if it's available in the UK? Do I need to stock up like a madwoman?

Aaaand this is what I picked up when I was paying for my mascara.. it was less than £3, but I hate it when they leave stuff on the till, it's SUCH a good marketing strategy. I haven't used it yet but I read that it was good in somebody's blogpost (so sorry I've forgotten who :() so I picked the colour and smell I liked most - thank God cuz if the two weren't in one I would've stood there forever trying to decide. This one is Sweet Cherry, and I want to eat it.

So yeah.. I thought my perfect lash quest would be pretty long but it looks like it's coming along quite quickly :P

What's your favourite mascara?
Any from Maybelline? :)
