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iheartfaces | Friendship

Friendships.  The heart of a true friend can be difficult to capture on film.  A friend is someone who loves you for who are and loves you in spite of who you are.  A friend listens when you just need to talk.    A friend sits with you in silence when words just can't be spoken.  A friend encourages.  A friend inspires.  Sometimes a friend volunteers you to make 400 cupcakes, because she knows you can do it!

I took this picture a few weeks ago while we were up in Minnesota.  Although they live a thousand miles apart, Arielle and her "twin" cousin, Brita, will always be friends.  They giggle, they laugh, they whisper secrets, they run and play.  Thanks to modern technology, they manage to talk for hours on the phone!

When I was young, I had a twin cousin, too.  We had the same last name, we lived on the same street, we went to the same summer camps, and in High School, thanks to alphabetized lockers, we saw each other every day.  Although we now live thousands of miles apart, in different countries even, I still look forward to our brief annual visits at the cabin.  A true friend is not a friend of the present.  A true friend is  a friend of the heart.