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What is Google Plus?

  What is Google Plus?

Google finally announced Google+, its next effort in social.  Basically, Google+ is an amalgamation of several services we already use. The idea, according to Google, is to do them better.  Just when you thought you had a handle on your social media channels – another new service is created. Google is about to launch Google+ – their latest foray into the “social space.”  As their blog notes,

Google+  is designed to “bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software.” But you don't need to worry about getting up to speed too fast, since the Google+ Project is still in the “limited field trial” stage.  Even though Google+ is still in the “project” stage, there’s been a lot of buzz in the non-profit blogosphere about whether  Google Plus will fly and whether or not it is a good fit for non-profits.  If you want to check it out for yourself, you can take the demo tour,  like I did, or you can check out what some of the well-known bloggers’ first-blush opinions and overviews of Google+

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