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So Many Choices...


We eat there sometimes on Saturdays.  Kids eat free.  Three adult meals and three free kids meals.  We have it all figured out.

But on this day something was different.  Something loomed in the distance and beckoned us with its seductive neon lights.  Like a spaceship from afar, it was the Coke machine of the future.

It was filled with choices.  Over one hundred of them!

Simply click your product......

(Diet Coke)....

.... and more choices appear!  
Diet Vanilla Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Diet Vanilla Cherry Coke, Diet Lime Coke, Diet Raspberry Coke...

Diet Orange Coke?

Peach Sprite, Grape Sprite, Raspberry Sprite, Cherry Sprite, Orange Sprite....... 
Endless Choices.  Endless Decisions!

Please forgive my over-funkified photos.  It's my Instagram iPhone app.  
I can't help myself.

Twenty Menu Choices with unlimited topping selections ......

Five kinds of salsas.......

Two kinds of tea...
(Perhaps you can only truly appreciate the humor in this if you have lived in both The North and The South!)

The evening went like this......
Press all the buttons. Try strange concoctions.

Dump it out.


In the end, Arielle chose a plain cheese quesadilla and water.

Choices are fun. Choices are exciting.
Is there anything better than choices?  

Maybe there is.  
Maybe it's better 
to be content with what you have.