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Cake Bites with School Spirit Toppers

When I was asked to bring goodies to our school's annual open house, my first thought was something small and something delicious - Brownie Bites!

But try as I may, I couldn't seem to get them out of the pan in one piece!

I thought mini-cupcake papers would do the trick, but the brownies stuck to them, too!

On the bright side, my kids saw the silver lining in my misfortune!

Alas, a batch of mini chocolate cupcakes slipped right out of the prepared pan.

I topped the mini cupcakes with star-tipped swirls of home-made cream cheese icing and 
sprinkles in the school colors of red, white and blue.

The toppers were easy to make.  I just printed enlarged school initials on cardstock
(that was my son getting fancy with the center one), 
cut them into squares and taped a toothpick on the back.

Given more time, I would have backed the initial with a larger red piece of paper.  This would cover the toothpick from the back side and provide a red frame for the initial.  Unfortunately, I had already used up all my time on the multiple batches of brownies!

So here they are..... simple, sweet and delicious!