Blog Archive

Vivid color for madame

After the show of Dior.


Just before the show of J.P.Gualtier.



at the cafe...Paris.


Tops, pants and bag...
I love the combination of Pattern and pattern.




July Favourites :)

What a month it's been! I've spent so much on make up this month, that it's only expected that I have a favourites crammed with raving and freaking out to myself about the lovely products I've found this month - so very excited for you guys to see! :) It's a bit different from past months where I'm showing you guys products that I've had for a while and loved particularly that month - it's more like a ravefest of new goodies :) Enjoy!

And as for some blogs I've loved this month.. (and the first one I finally found the link to thanks to Charlotte - who's also listed below!) :)

Hope you all had a lovely July! Here are some snaps of the lovely Stratford-upon-Avon and the Cotswolds areas that I took while travelling :)

See you in August :)


on the street, Paris

in front of the show of J.P Gualtier.
I think she's editer or assistant of fashion magazine,
sometime I saw her chatching cute girls for street shooting for her mag.



The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, 
but in liking what one does.

-James Matthew Barrie

Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

One of my favorite things about summer is all the fresh produce that is available.  Growing up, my grandparents had a large vegetable garden.  Every time we would visit them during the summer, Grandma would send us on our way with a trunk full of fresh veggies.  My mom would then hurry home to par-boil and freeze everything we couldn't possibly eat and then she would spend the rest of the week cooking and serving us lots and lots of vegetables!  OK, so I didn't fully appreciate all those veggies then, but the older and wiser me has come to truly savor this fresh-from-the-garden taste.

Today we were able to enjoy the fresh picked produce we bought during our trip to The Farmer's Market!  Ella's pick?  Sweet Corn!

In my opinion, a child's education just isn't complete without mastering the skill of shucking corn.  When I was growing up, weekends were spent at the family cabin.  Every Friday, our family would pack up for our drive "Up North".  If we left early enough in the day, we knew what our last stop would be:  Corn Corner.  Corn Corner was a farm at the last official turn before we reached the cabin.  It raised the sweetest corn known to mankind.  We paid one dollar for a dozen ears.  As the oldest (and only) daughter, my official job was to shuck the two or three dozen ears of corn we would purchase on the way.    If I was lucky, I would recruit my cousin next door.

Growing up, we never ventured from boiled corn with butter and salt, but on this day I thought it would be fun to try something different:  Grilled Corn with Basil Butter.  Basil Butter is easily made in a food processor.  (Less easily made in a blender - i.e. below!)

Simply combine two sticks of regular, salted butter and 1/2 cup torn basil leaves.

Pulse until it looks like this.

Place the basil butter on parchment paper .......

.... and roll up like Tootsie Roll.  Place the Basil Butter in the freezer until it is ready to be used. 

Corn, it turns out, is easily cooked on the grill.  And since I'm always looking for ways to pawn off all the cooking to my husband during the summer months, (i.e. if it can go on the grill, he can cook it), this was a great discovery!   Cooking time runs about 20 minutes.  When it looks bright yellow like boiled corn, it's done.

The smoky, grilled flavor of the corn along with the fresh herbed basil butter was a delicious (and easy!) combination.

Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

Grill corn on medium heat for 20 minutes, turning throughout

Basil Butter

Place 2 sticks of butter and 1/2 cup of fresh basil in a food processor.  Pulse until well combined.  Place in parchment and roll into a cylinder.  Twist ends and freeze until ready to use.

So-en magazine × STYLEfromTOKYO

It's honor of me to announce
we can read the article of STYLEfromTOKYO
on the So-en magazine,August  issue
published 28th July.

That is
'Street portlait  by Rei Shito.'
HERE is the detail.(sorry,only in Japanese!)

This time,STYLEfromTOKYO is picking up
Paris Fashion Week.(P74-79)

シトウレイのストリートポートレート vol.9特別編が


Thank you, So-en magazine!



Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. 
The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. 
-Graham Bell

Graduation OOTD/FOTD (& Some Mulberry Lovin'..) :)

I must admit, this graduation was much less emotional than my high school graduation, but it was a day to share my university experience with my parents who was never able to visit me during my time there. I got to see my coursemates who I admittedly didn't spend too much time with bar 2 or 3, and I guess most relevant to my blog is that I got to dress up ;).

Lisa & I :)
Credit: Lisa's Dad :D

Yes, I realise my dress is 90% under the gown - but it's a beige dress from Debenham's, with a really cool collar that was completely lost in this ridiculous gown! The shoes were suede-ish red heels from Dorothy Perkins. I also got my hair done at a lovely hairdressers in Stratford-upon-Avon.

For my face, I went for a natural look, and here is what I wore:

Illamasqua Rich Liquid Foundation in RF233
Hard Candy Sheer Envy Primer
MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NC35
Bobbi Brown Corrector in Peach
Bourjois Compact Powder in 73 Miel Dore
NARS Blush in Luster

Clinique Super Fine Liner for Brows in 03 Deep Brown
MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ochre
MAC Eyeshadow in Patina
MaxFactor False Lash Effect Mascara
UNE SkinGlow Pencil in G07

17 Mirror Shine Lipstick in Beehive

BA Sociology Class of '11 :)
Credit: Lisa's Dad! :D

So all in all it was a lovely day - it wasn't sentimental or exciting as it was left way too long after exams! But I had a really enjoyable day, being nervous about tripping, taking photos, catching up with coursemates, and just with everyone there in one place :) My mom, dad and grandma, I assume, were happy to be there, and us four and Ben all went to dinner afterwards at a Chinese which was lovely!

Aaaaaaand, the gift I bought myself, as promised in the previous post.. :)

Mulberry Locked Cosmetic Purse in Oak

My first self-purchased designer brand item :) I've been carrying it around absolutely EVERYWHERE as both a pouch inside a bigger bag, and as a clutch. It fits everything - powder, lipbalm/lipsticks, blotting paper, painkillers, camera, phone - it's REALLY deceiving, and needless to say - PERFECT! :) I'm not sure I'll ever need another clutch/pouch/make-up bag!

I love the little embossed Mulberry logos, but the bird CRACKED me up! To be honest, the buying part was an experience - it was me, stood in the Knightsbridge shop with my boyfriend, uhm-ing and ah-ing. I decided to take the plunge when I realised that if I walked out of the shop without it, I wouldn't be pleased that I saved money - I'd be gutted that I didn't get what I've wanted for so long!

The woman who sold it to me wasn't amazing - she was sweet, but in the process of explaining aftercare, she decided to mention that it was made out of calf skin - who wants to hear that?! I felt like a murderer for about 5 minutes after that, even considering reversing the purchase despite not being an anti-leather person, vegetarian, or a vegan by any stretch of the imagination.

Anyway, after that, the attaching of the unnecessary bird commenced, which very much reminded me of the scene with Rowan Atkinson in Love Actually - I was twitching to not start laughing, as was Ben from what I could tell :P

Despite setting me back quite a bit, I haven't spent a second regretting it. It's perfect, my pride and joy, and something I intend on using and cherishing forever! :) Strangely this has made me want to save, not so much in the way of - crap, I've spent so much, but mostly in the sense that it feels REALLY good to spend money on something you absolutely adore, rather than buying cheap bits and bobs that you may or may not like. And thus commences my saving for my next Mulberry lust.. the Chocolate Bayswater.

Anyone felt like that before? :)

Anyway.. that was a long rambly post! Hope you guys enjoyed it anyway :)


The Benefits of Being the Weaker....

Men and women are different.  It's true.  What works for one - does not necessarily work for the other.

Men tend to use their strength.  They power through the board room, they muscle the ball across the field,  they intimidate so that no one will encroach.  That's fine for some.

I find, however, that there is no shame in being the weaker.  I loved the days when I had my own personal "expecting" parking spot at the grocery store.  I cherish the fact that I can quickly retrieve 40 bags of mulch at Home Depot because a helpful employee is loading my SUV.  And I unapologetically declare my latest feat: Pre-Boarding.

As a family of six, pre-boarding ended with the demise of the stroller.  I admit, I stretched that scenario as long as I could, finally leaving the beloved stroller behind when my youngest turned five.  But today I was traveling without my stronger half, without my man of muscles, without my stud of steel.  As I glanced around at the fully booked flight and scanned our combined ten carry-on bags (five wheeled bags and five rather large-ish "personal" bags) I knew that this would not just be a luxury request, but a necessity.  Zone 9 just never fares well in the overhead storage department.

I approached the men behind the counter and put on my best acquired southern charm.  "I was wondering," I said, "since I'm traveling alone with my four children, if you would let me pre-board."  First rule of sales:  Smile.  Stop talking.  

"I guess so," he said.  "Thank you so much," I replied.  But when the other gate attendant failed to call pre-boarding, I knew I had to resort to quiet confidence.  I lined up myself, the four kids and the ten carry-ons behind the handful of business class passengers.  When I reached the the gate, I kindly stated that the other attendant had told me I could pre-board.  "Well, I'm not going to say no," he said.  I kindly thanked him and proceeded down the runway.

This, my friends, is the the power of being the weaker.  I am quite sure that my husband (or most men for that matter) would never ask for the help he most imminently needed.  He would, however, graciously bow to a sweet damsel in distress.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Men and women are different.  And different can be good.

at the reception party...Hotel Marin Margiela

at the reception party of Hotel Martin Margiela.




there was a dress code on this party;MASK.
so many people coming to enjoy this party 
through the night.

Days Like These......

Back when summers meant spending every weekend at our cabin up north, one thing was certain:  The best day of the weekend was Sunday afternoon.  Somehow it didn't matter if the previous days had been stormy or windy, hot or wavy, cloudy or muggy, we could count on, with certainty, that Sunday afternoon would be crystal clear.  The lake would glisten and the sun would beckon as we carried up the beach toys, fastened the straps on the boat cover and loaded up the car with what always seemed to be more bags than what had come up with us in the first place.

Sunday afternoon beckoned us to stay just a little while longer.  Sunday afternoon made us believe that days up there were always this good.  Sunday afternoon left in us a longing to return to that little spot of paradise.

As I pack our bags from our extended summer stay Up North, the calendar in my soul says it's Sunday.  We've had our share of cold.  We've had our share of steamy.  But today, as I prepare for our long trip south, the day is perfect.  The flowers have never brighter, the sky has never been bluer.  I hug my parents, longing to stay just one more day, never conditioned enough to the embracing and the letting go that comes with living far away.

On the plane, the westward sun will beat in our windows, just like those car rides home from the lake, creating in me a longing to return to those perfect summer moments.

While I'm comfortably dressed in my capris and summer sweater, I anticipate with dread the blast of southern heat that will hit my face like a jet engine roaring.  Nothing will be comfortable then.

I receive an encouraging email from a southern friend, reminding me of peaches and Coke and Sweet Tea.  The message is timely and I am reminded that embracing and releasing are a part of life.  As I let go of one, God lets me reach out for another.

I look forward to my husband's embrace.  Our family will be together.  And soon summer will turn to fall, producing the perfect southern day.

Covergirl × STYLEfromTOKYO

STYLEfromTOKYO is featured by Covergirl
free magazine at Fukuoka.

We can share it ;HERE.


Thank you, covergirl and Goto-san!


Vivid, vivid, so vivid!





A Big Fat "I'm Back!" Haul :)

So why have I been so on-and-off? To explain in short, after moving out from university, I spent 1 week in Malta, 2 weeks with my boyfriend and his family, and 1 week with my family to attend my graduation - and now I am back at my parents' house in Tokyo, Japan :)

During this time I've done some major shopping - some essential bits that you can see here. But I've also really been treating myself to make up for my graduation (OOTD/FOTD post coming soon!) as well as just.. stuff. Haha! So here they are!

The bits I picked up for my graduation were the Illamasqua Rich Liquid foundation, the MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ochre and NARS blush in Luster :) The MAC 224 was an impulse buy at the airport, when I saw it discounted - it's a brush that I know I will get at one point, so why not at a discount? :P I love the finish it gives to concealer - def a must have!

I went to the Trafford Centre looking for a natural blush for my grad, and I was set on MAC's Mineralize Blush in Warm Soul, but when I swatched it I found it pinkier than what I was looking for, so I gave up and was wandering about NARS when I realised - they're my favourite blushes, so why am I not turning to them?!

NARS Luster is one in a million. It's a gorgeous peach tan with a golden sheen, which works as a 3-in-1 of highlighter, blusher and contour. I absolutely adore this - it's up there with Orgasm and Sin, and is perfect for a tan or a natural glow :) That being said it might have been a bit too sheen-ey for the flash photography at grad - you can be the judge of that in my grad post :D

The palette you see up top is my ArtDeco palette that I got a while ago in my Berlin haul. I photographed it to show you the Camouflage Cream, which is like a concealer, and the beige-ish eyeshadow, both of which my friend Lisa picked up for me while she was in Berlin - they don't disappoint :D Thanks Lisa!

The Illamasqua Rich Liquid foundation was my foundation of choice for my graduation - full coverage, matte, not too expensive, and no SPF. This thing is INDUSTRIAL. I'll do a full post on how I use this and how it turns out,  but you mix it with a face primer, or else it is like.. Sudocrem. That being said - in love :) Just a bit tricky to use!

The lovely 25FLONDON sent me a sample of the much talked about UDPP, but due to incompetent university post room policies, I never got it :( So I went for MAC's Paint Pot in Soft Ochre - because from where I was, Harrod's was closer than Debenham's :P I haven't worn eyeshadow recently, but I can safely say it did the job on the big day :)

Now for the biggy.. the Chanel Poudre Universelle Compacte.

I really really wanted a nice, on-the-go natural powder. My MAC MSFN has been letting me down with the lack of mirror, crumbliness and lack of oil control, the Maybelline Mattifying Powder is atm too light for me, and my all time favourite mattifying powder, the Bourjois Compact, is on the verge of cracking (again). What better excuse to indulge in my first ever Chanel? :)

I was always reluctant to buy something else from Chanel - the packaging is always so gorgeous, so I wanted something that I'd carry around and take out - casually of course ;) HAHAHA (vain!).

The Poudre Universelle Compacte is Chanel's "for everyone" powder, which claims to give a transparent satin finish. Honestly, it does. It's not amazing at oil control but honestly, that's only something I need in the summer and the finish is to die for. So far, I much prefer this to the MAC MSFN, not only because of the more portable-friendly packaging, but because it really does disappear into your skin! Hopefully I will have a full review when I have used it more :) But so far - impressed!

And a sneak peek at my graduation gift to myself..

I try not to add up how much I've spent in this haul :P Anyway, with that - I will be back to regular posting, of both blogs and videos, hopefully for atleast another 2 months :) Thanks for sticking with me guys!

Have you used any of these products?
How have you been?! Let me know! :D
