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Perfect Rhubarb Crisp

Rhubarb, for me, is full of nostalgia.  Growing up in the north, we always had rhubarb in our back yard. Shortly after I got married, my aunt and uncle, who lived on a farm in Wisconsin, came for a visit and bestowed on me some lovely rhubarb plants.  They even showed me just where to plant them, sensing, perhaps, that my inexperienced planting thumbs had not yet reached a respectable shade of green.

The result of this gift permeates my memory.  Having planted that rhubarb in the exact spot which they had so carefully chosen, it flourished.  For the next few summers, I harvested bundles of stalks of rhubarb.  Each bundle made the same thing:  Rhubarb Crisp.  Fortunately, my husband (and hopefully all the guests that dropped in!) never tired of it.  The best part?  The ingredients were always on hand.  Fresh picked tart rhubarb with a sweet crumble topping.  Nothing says summer like it! 

Start with four cups (about 4 - 5 stalks) of diced rhubarb.
We picked this bright red rhubarb up at the Farmer's Market.

Place it in a bowl.  
(OK, so I had to add just one more redundant photo because the rhubarb was so gorgeous!)

Add in flour and sugar.

Mix until coated.

Put the rhubarb in a greased pan.

Using the SAME BOWL (I'm all about fewer dishes!) add the crumble topping ingredients.

Mix until they are - crumbly!

Sprinkle on top of the rhubarb.

Bake until bubbly and the rhubarb is soft.
Serve with ice cream!
Or just grab a spoon and dig in!

Rhubarb Crisp


4 cups rhubarb, diced 
1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar (depending on how tart you like it)
1/3 cup flour

Toss until rhubarb is coated.  Spoon into greased pan (8x8 inch pan or 9-inch pie pan.)

Crumble Topping

3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour (I use white whole wheat)
1/2 cup oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch salt
1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted

Blend ingredients until crumbly.  Sprinkle over the top of rhubarb.  Bake at 375 degrees for  40 - 50 minutes or until bubbly and rhubarb is soft when tested with a knife.

***NOTE:  Rhubarb picked early in the season is the sweetest.  Adjust the sugar accordingly!