Blog Archive

on the street, Harajuku


She's shop staff of KINSELLA,
vintage shop at Harajuku.


Her last pic is HERE


It has been 1 month
since she begin to work at this shop.
'Maybe  I need more time to get used to work
at this shop.'she told.


My charity flea market...Aoyama.


 I've run  a charity flea market
for Tohoku
on some  weekends at my home.


She's designer of syrup,sweet and romantic brand for girls.
He's shop staff of  boy, vintage shop in Shibuya.


So-en magazine × STYLEfromTOKYO

It's honor of me to announce
we can read the article of STYLEfromTOKYO
on the So-en magazine,April issue
published 28th May.
STYLEfromTOKYO is featured 5 people
at Milan Fashion Week.(P106-107 )

That is
'Street portlait  by Rei Shito.'
HERE is the detail.(sorry,only in Japanese!)

and also,
STYLEfromTOKYO join to charity flea market
by So-en magazine.
All the take will be donated to
Tohoku people.(P66)

シトウレイのストリートポートレート vol.7が


Thank you, So-en magazine!!

May Favourites 2011 & Some Blog Love :)

End of May, I have been looking forward to you so much - I have a week until I am free from my degree! Of course until I start another one in October.. but no need to think about that yet!

Hope everyone is having a great bank holiday! (I have no idea what it's for, what is it for?) I'm guessing most people aren't out considering the weather, so thought I'd pop this up in case you were wondering what I've been loving this month.. ;P

I know, that blush should be replaced by a microphone and I'm well on my way to becoming one of the Backstreet Boys.. (which I've been obsessing over this month after rediscovering my lus-.. love for them).


This month I've had some major traffic from some bloggers who have so kindly mentioned me on their blogs, so I wanted to thank them and send some love back their way, by telling you a bit about each of them - I'd know, they're some of my favourite blogs, which made the mentions 100x more 'EEP! :)'-worthy! They are pretty blogs so you may already know them, but no harm ey? :)

H's blog has, hands down, the best pictures EVER and she also has an incredible range of products that never fails to make me want to buy some for myself. Her posts are very personalized in both content and the way she writes. My favourite posts from her are posts on what she's been loving, which includes monthly favourites, but also things like colour themes and products that go with that theme. She also happens to be a hoot to talk to on Twitter!

I've been reading Corrie's blog since I started my blog - she has THE nicest hair (Cheryl Cole agrees with me), and the cutest sense of fashion that is actually practical that you can take something away from! She brings out the best of drugstore make up, and she has an IMMENSE Models Own and Barry M nail collection which I am always nagging her to do a post on.. Join me and nag her :P

I found Tiffany's blog very recently, but the posts that caught me eye were her top 5 favourites posts of each category, like blush, bronzer, etc., which helped in discovering new products. Her posts are a good blend of individual product reviews, blogger interviews and collective reviews of products with a certain theme - if you can't tell, posts w/ more than one product are my faves for some odd reason (it gives scope to compare, and let me decide which product I'll probs like best!) and Tiffany does loads of them for different 'themes'!

Vivianna's blog is another one that I've been reading since Day 1 - she is by far, my biggest enabler (and she's admitted that she loves it! Evil!) She is one of the most honest bloggers out there, and I love how personalized her blog is. It's always about how the products relate to her - i.e. things she's loved, what she uses them for, when she uses them etc., which is what I look for in a blog - anyone can do objective straight-forward reviews right? Viv is another blogger that is great fun to talk to!

So yes. Please go check them out, as I never miss a post from any of these ladies! If you want to see some of my other favourites, pop on over to the 'Blog Love' tab at the top of my page :)

Until June, I will leave you with the image that's been taking the misery out of my revision and cold/flu:

 Heidi the over-weight and cross-eyed opossum from Leipzeig Zoo, Germany.


iheartfaces | The Graduate

Does she look older?  Does she look wiser?  This kindergarten graduate is ready to conquer the world - as long as she can get there on her Plasma Car!  She's ready to tackle any job - as long as they still break for morning snacks!  Regardless of the economy, there will always be a place for her kindness.  First grade will seem elementary to someone who leads her peers with a quiet, tender spirit.

Congratulations, Ella Pinkerella!

at the company,Mercury, Singapore


She's Mrs.Tjin,director of Asia Fashion Exchange.
I had a chance to interview with her by chance.


It's so precious time to hear about 
the project detail of AFX from her,
it's really cool and clever plan I've never heard 
from people in japanese fashion scene,indeed.  



Well,,,,I think it's time to go back my hometown, tokyo. 

on the street , arab street. Singapore


The greatest thing in the world is 
to know how to be self-sufficient.
-Michel de Montaigne


Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Well, it's official.  My baby is a kindergarten graduate.

In the south, where we reside, kindergarten graduation is a big deal.  
We're talking caps, gowns, ceremony, diploma, professional portraits and a formal reception.

I love this free "Smartie Pants" printable from  Beth Proudfoot.  

I copied it onto full sheet labels at 90% and used my two-inch craft punch to create these fun goody bag labels.

Sand Pails in school colors made great gift bags for only 99 cents at Michaels.  
Personalization is easy with a paint pen.

We took photos of the kids and displayed them during graduation along with their favorite kindergarten memory.  Some of the responses were sweet (having the best teacher!), some of the responses were serious (Math - really?!) and some responses were hilarious (like watching a classmate dance!)

The kids loved these autograph graduation dogs from Party City.

Aren't they cute?

Look at this adorable cake!  A local baker made one for each class, but the supplies to do the same can be found on line!  The face and caps are made from chocolate molds, with piped on features and tassels.  You can find the chocolate candy molds here.  

The rest of the reception was Kindergarten Friendly:

Strawberries on Cake Pedestals
Brownie Bites 
Juice Boxes

First Grade - Here we come!

It's fun to share ideas!  I'll be linking up with these parties.  Be sure to visit them!

Amazing Nature Pictures

 Amazing Nature Pictures

Those are super beautiful nature pictures. Did you take these? They are very professional. ... Amazing Nature Pictures
Nature is a gallery of beautiful nature photos to decorate the desktop. Flowers, Birds, Animals, Landscapes, Winter, Butterflies and many more.

at the shop...A curious Tee Pee, Singapore

She's Trecy,
one of the key persons of Singapore fashion&culture scene.I think.
at her shop,A Curious Tee Pee.


It's a store and cafe/bar
with enriching programing for
living a little more inspired.



May 26th was my birthday - and despite waking up with a soar throat and a splitting headache, I had an amazing birthday! :) I could write it out for you but it would be a bit boring, so here are some pics of the things I received and things I did :)

My birthday haul to myself - will post on products/tell you what they are in another post :)

One of the lippies from the haul, and 2 others from blogsales.. I also got a brush but I forgot to take a pic..

Eye products from the haul..

Some face products + a Sephora goodie from a friend :)

Everyone knows I love pigs.. 2 stamps from my mom, and a speaker/radio from said friend - CUTE!

A card and lovely stationary from my mom..

Birthday cards! Yes, the pig theme carries on here as well.. :P

Choccies and wine.. the middle box courtesy of the lovely Danni <3

The best gifts of the year! A trip to Berlin from my lovely boyfriend and a Kindle from my parents :)

..with the best case, ever.

The day started with a brekkie made by the boyfriend, and a lunch at the local pub with some friends. Then after a stroll around town, we went to see the Pirates of the Caribbean 4! (which, btw, are one of my favourite series, as my mom apparently knows..)

She sent me a shirt XD

I also got some jewelry from friends that I forgot to photograph (as I was wearing them LOL), but the same love goes out to them.

I had a lovely lovely birthday, and thanks to everyone that sent me birthday wishes via Twitter :) I got lots of private messages on Facebook from my friends, as my wall has decided to disappear.. lol.

The birthday spirit carried on until this afternoon, when I went to the BBQ hosted by a society I founded with my friend 2 years ago, where the exec had gotten me a chocolate cake and I experienced the embarrassment that is being sung happy birthday amongst a crowd of people.. :P

I love that the weather and my health had absolutely no say in the amount of fun I had! :) I'll leave you with what my mom wrote me in the card:

"21 is still an age when you are stupid. However, there are things that you can only do when you're stupid, so enjoy."


Swimming With Thousands Of Jellyfish

 Swimming With Thousands Of Jellyfish
Everyday people to leave a steep hike up and over a rocky limestone path Beaufitul jellyfish lake in the Republic of Palau. Apparently, this was brought into the limelight when it was featured on Survivor Palau season.
Palau Visitor's Authority contends that the attraction most can only dream of doing. This bold and unusual phenomenon, jellyfish lake, differs radically from the traditional, because it is a closed body of water, which - during the millennia - the jellyfish population is completely lost their sting because they have not had to fight predators. Instead, they preferred to spend the day free, pulsating light on one side of the lake while the other caught the sun's rays and agriculture, its own food supply of algae.

Now that I've researched it, I figured that people were dressed in hard wetsuits. But NOOOOO, they were snorkeling around the normal bathing suits, like it was nothing. This is too cool and definitely a great adventure that I added to my list. I thought it was the best thing ever when I went to the Cayman Islands and swim with sting rays, so I can not imagine how amazing it is.

Now the Republic of Palau is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, about 500 miles (800 km) east of the Philippines and 2000 miles (3200 km) south of Tokyo. 16 The State island nation located in a tropical climate year-round average annual temperature is 82 ° F (27 ° C). Rain can occur throughout the year, on average, a total of 150 inches (3800 mm). 

The average humidity over the years has been 82%, and even if it rains more frequently between July and October, there is still plenty of sunshine. Typhoons are rare, as Palau outside the main typhoon zone. Palau was ranked and listed CEDAM International Ranking Number 1 in the underwater wonder of the world of the seven underwater wonders. By looking at the picture below, its clear why.