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Facebook Announces New Features

Facebook Announces New Features : Facebook helps you connect and share with friends. Register today!
San Francisco, July 1: Facebook is a bit worried about their future after the announcement of Google's brand new social networking site dubbed as "Google + '? Various media reported that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and a CEO discussed the "critical" situation with colleagues and plans to "start something great" in the coming weeks.

Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, June 30 said that his company will add some new features to the Facebook platform, but the world's youngest billionaire refused to comment on the new features.

It is expected that Facebook could announce new features for the mobile platform and shelf. Previously, we reported that Facebook plans to launch an exclusive application for Apple iPad. A report in the Los Angeles Times said that Facebook is also planning to launch a photo sharing application for the Apple iPhone.

"We work on a number of exciting things we have not yet announced, but stay tuned for next week," the report quotes the Director of Engineering Facebook, Andrew Bosworth, as saying.

It would not be surprising if Facebook reveal some new security features. Currently, Facebook is facing criticism for its loop holes in security features. At the same time, the recent announcement of Google + is promising that the best features Facebook.

Unlike Facebook, Google + Circles to help users create a specific group with members selected the messages and links in this group will be available to members only. + Google has not yet rolled to the public, but he managed to create a huge buzz in the market