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Midnight Clouds

We came home from our 1st Grade Back to School Splash around 9:30 PM and were so tired, we could hardly move. Rather than just go to bed, however, we stayed up another couple of hours and watched "The Tourist" because that is the logical thing to do when you are so tired you can't even get up off the sofa.  Around midnight, when my husband let the dog out one final time, he called me to come and look at the bright midnight sky.  The sky was so bright, it was hard to believe it was the middle of the night.  So I went back in and got my camera, because taking pictures at half past midnight is the logical thing to do when you are so tired you can't even stay awake for the last ten minutes of a movie which stars Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. But at least I got to share these beautiful, midnight clouds with you. And that, to me, seems completely logical.