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Costco to the Rescue!

I returned to The South from a fabulous extended summer vacation to find that one friend had given birth to a baby girl, a second friend had torn her achilles tendon and a family from our school had a mother with extended health issues.  Of course, I wanted to help them all!

To complicate matters, I was knee deep in laundry and our air conditioning, on what was perhaps the hottest day of the year, decided it was a good time to simply stop running.

I decided to sign up for the meal calendar anyway.  Don't judge me.  I brought them Costco.

Does a meal really have to be homemade by me in my kitchen?  Isn't it the thought that counts?  Aren't I still providing for their needs?  Am I not still bringing them love?  Costco's Chicken Alfredo, Caesar Salad and Rosemary Olive Oil Bread is a perfect, family-friendly meal.  It's so perfect, in fact, that I bought one for my family, too!

Of course, I added one of my cute cupcake boxes.  And just ignore the Whole Foods bag.   It looked a lot cuter than those complimentary Costco boxes!