Blog Archive

at the show... Milan

First is pic at SPORT MAX,
and the other is ETRO.
That's one of my stuff 
going to put in my 'go to get' list.


The bag in first pics is MAX MARA,
and second one is ,,,sorry I forget to hear it.

STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.

you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE

Dr. Seuss Snacks!

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.  I admit it.  I love Dr. Seuss!  A collection of these sing-song-y rhymes was the first thing I put on the bookshelves of our very first baby nursery.  Four kids later, I now have talents that include being able to recite The Cat In The Hat from memory!

In honor of the late great Dr. Seuss (He would have been 107 on March 2nd) we are making these cute snacks!  Absolutely no skill or talent required!

Simply start with a box of blue Jell-O.....

and divide into four clear plastic cups.
(The fish have to have a place to swim!)

After the Jell-O has set, have the kids add their own fish!  (Swedish Fish, that is!)

Ella's kindergarten class gets a Dr. Seuss party after they have collectively read 107 books!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Beauty tips for fairness

 Beauty tips for fairness
Beauty tips for fairness can work for almost any skin type. Not everyone has a round face or an oval face, but every face is perfect. The skins’ texture and tone is essential before applying  any creams or make up applications. Even the most plainest of faces can be transformed into a face of beauty. There are many beauty tips for fairness rules that can be useful in aiding any skin type, if applied appropriately. Below are a few suggestions. How you apply the products you buy or make will determine the effectiveness, of the beauty tips for fairness solutions that you use.

The first thing you want to do is cleanse your skin. Start with a mild face cleanser. Follow the instructions on the label, for your skin type. Using a cleanser that is not appropriate for your skin type could cause outbreaks. Begin by rubbing the cream on your face in a circular motion as you clean your skin, this aid in stimulating good circulation. This can apply to the entire body. Using a soft brush on the entire body stimulates better blood circulation throughout the entire body. Applying beauty tips for fairness techniques to your skin helps your skin to breathe, shine and glow. This gives it a healthy and lively appearance.

Next, you can apply your make up as usual. Some people find that changing their brand of make up (actually) improves the appearance of their skin. Some makeup can be harsh to the skin and can cause mild to severe skin irritations. Try applying cocoa butter at night before retiring to bed; it makes the skin soft and silky. Organic makeup may be worth looking into, since non-allergen ingredients are becoming more popular in all aspects of marketing. Using good beauty tips for fairness in a positive way can help to improve many undesired skin problems.

Your skin is the most important part of your appearance. It works as a protector for the inner parts of your body, protecting you from the harshness of the sun, rain and wind. Your skin is really a barrier to the harsh environment that we live in. You should use skin protectors such as sunscreen and sun blocker that is compatible to your skin type. Applying the right beauty tips for fairness solutions is important in preventing further skin irritation.

If you have serious skin conditions that have not gone away after several months of at home remedies, and over the counter treatments, you may need to consult a dermatologist. Taking care of your skin is essential to promoting and maintaining good and healthy skin tone and texture. Fairness for beauty tips are suggestions that can help you maintain a good and healthy skin glow.

Latest Bridal Dresses

Latest Bridal Dresses

Bridal Mehndi Dresses in Dress Designs just look new and Latest Bridal Dresses which you can like in coming weeks.

February 2011 Favourites :)

So February wasn't as long as January, but boy was it busy for me! However, amongst all this I still managed to keep track of what I've been loving, so here are my February Favourites..

Products Mentioned:
- Ralph Lauren Romance
- Sigma F80
- Burt's Bees Lipbalm
- OPI Teenage Dream
- MAC Vintage Selection Paint Pot
- MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipglass
- NYX Paris Lipstick
- Bourjois Lipstick in Fashion Rouge 23

Please let me know if you prefer me to do pics/text or if just the video is fine :) Or if you want little blurbs on the Products Mentioned list.. just lemme know what you thought lol!

A quick update on my Project Pan, this month I bought 3 make-up items! I used to have specifications of under what condition I can get my P15P exceptions, but I've just kinda made it now to 3 items per month. I'm quite proud of how well I'm doing! Since 2011, I've only bought 4 make-up items :) If you want to see what I've finished, there is a list on the left-hand side :)

What were your Feb favourites?
Hope you had a great February, and see you in March! :)


iheartfaces | The Hand of Spring

Pink Buds have emerged 
on the apple trees. 
Daffodils are stretching their arms 
toward the sun. 
Kids are playing in the driveway 
with scooters and chalk and bubbles.  
Don't be envious, my northern friends, 
but it 
smells like
 looks like 
feels like spring, 
here in the deep, deep south.

For more photos without faces (this week), visit iheartfaces!

on the street,Via Senato,MIlan

Beige,pink, wine-red and reopard.


STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.
you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE


STYLEfromTOKYO is featured by NEW LOOK,
hair style magazine in Chile.

チリのヘアスタイル雑誌「NEW LOOK」

Thank you,Philippe!

STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.
you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE

Mentions of the Week #1

I've decided to start a series every Sunday called "Mentions of the Week" where I list certain things that I feel deserves a mention that week :) Here goes the first one, so I hope you like it! :)

Primark - £1
Cute simple earrings that I've been wearing a lot :)

MAC Woodwinked Eyeshadow - £9.50
A new buy from DitzyMakeUp's blogsale that I've been experimenting with :)

Lip Product
NYX Lip Smacking Fun Colors in Paris
My little buddy that's helping me learn how to wear bright lips -> my obsession/challenge atm!

MAC Style Blush - £16.50
Creeping its way back into being my go-to blush alongside the change in weather :)

LUSH Porridge Hand & Body Soap - £2.79/100g
Showers are so much more fun, easy and good-smelling with this baby, I love it! :)

MAC Girl About Town Lipstick - £13.50
I tried this on in London - amazing. So different from what I have, and totally in accord with my obsession with learning how to wear bright lips :)

What have you been using that you feel deserves a special mention?
Let me know what you think about starting this series, hope you enjoyed! :)


at back stage...MAX MARA


STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.
you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE

at back stage...MAX MARA

It's never too late to be 
who you might have been. 
-George Eliot


STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.
you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE

at back stage...MAX MARA

Models at the back stage of MAX MARA.

ミラノコレクション、初めてのショーはMAX MARA。

Be a first rate version of yourself,
not a second version rate of someone else.
-Judy Garland

STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project;
Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends.
you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HERE

Pachelbel: Canon in D

The conversation went something like this:

Me:  Who remembers the name of this song?
Ella:  Taco Bell's
Me:  Close - it's Pachelbel's Canon in D.  What do you hear?
Ella:  Slow.....Violins......  It sounds happy and sad both.  I think they play it at weddings alot.

Insightful, I thought, for a girl who's only been to two weddings, neither of which played Pachelbel's Canon.  Was she already perceiving that weddings are intuitively both happy and sad?  The celebration of new love and that bittersweetness of leaving home?  This is why my children are simply not allowed to date.  Because, if they do, then someday they will leave me.  And if they leave me, then I will make them walk down the aisle to the beautiful, bittersweet happy-sadness of Pachelbel's Canon in D.  This will remind them that while they might be blissfully happy, I am only happy-sad.  Happy-sad like Pachelbel's Canon in D.

Although the circumstances of the piece's composition are wholly unknown, one writer hypothesized that the Canon may have indeed been composed for a wedding.  The wedding was that of Johann Christoph Bach, on October 23, 1694.  The music for the occasion was provided by Johann Ambrosius Bach, Pachelbel, and other friends and family members.  Johann Christoph Bach was a former pupil of Pachelbel's and was also Johann Sebastian Bach's oldest brother.

Canon in D major is the most famous piece of music by German Baroque composer, Johann Pachelbel.  It was originally scored for three violins and basso continuo and paired with a gigue in the same key.  Like most other works by Pachelbel and other pre-1700 composers, the Canon remained forgotten for centuries and was rediscovered only in the 20th century.  Several decades after is was first published in 1919, the piece became extremely popular, and today it frequently played at weddings and included on classical music compilations.  

Pachelbel's Canon combines the techniques of canon and ground bass.  Canon is a polyphonic device in which several voices play the same music, entering in sequence. (Think a round like, Row, Row, Row Your Boat.)  In Pachelbel's piece, there are three voices engaged in canon (see below), but there is also a fourth voice, the basso continuo, which plays an independent part.  The bass keeps repeating the same two-bar line throughout the piece.  This is called ostinato, or ground bass.

Source:  Wikipedia

What did the other kids think?

Kid Critique:

SAMUEL:  (the human calculator) say, "It's simplistically beautiful, I guess."

ANNA:  It makes me feel like I'm in a boat on a lake with my family and having a good time.

ARIELLE:  I can't even tell it's a canon (a round ) because it's so beautiful.


TRANSLATION:  Sweet sounds, pretty music.  It kind of  sounds like Swan Lake.  It sounds like a princess music.