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iheartfaces | Saying Goodbye

This weekend, Samuel said good-bye to a teammate and friend.  It's hard to lose someone your own age.  The reality of your own mortality becomes impossible to ignore.  It's a sudden wake-up call that that we are on this earth but for a moment.  This life is just a stopping point.  It's a chance to discover our Creator and choose for ourselves with whom we want to spend eternity.  This life is a gift.

Some say that writing is a healthy outlet for grief.  I would have to agree.  It's an expression of the soul.  For me, photography is also an outlet for grief.  I took dozens of photos three years ago at the consecutive funerals of my two remaining grandparents.  I didn't care if people thought it was inappropriate.   It was grief therapy - an expression of my soul.  My cell phone camera was a little less conspicuous on this night.  Even now, as I look at this picture, I know that healing has begun.

We'll miss you, Sanders.
We are praying for all those whose lives you touched.