Anna's Art Party

When Anna said she wanted an "Art Party" for her 10th Birthday, I knew these cupcakes were just the ticket.  Who says beautiful has to be complicated?  Simple chocolate cupcakes (in my new brown glassine paper liners!) topped with 7 different colors of icing.  How easy is that?  The idea for these Artist's Palette cupcakes came from the latest addition to my cupcake cookbook library, What's New, Cupcake? by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson.  The edible paint brush is made from a breadstick, three rolled out and fringed Tootsie Rolls and a red Fruit Roll Up.

Ten grown-up girls enjoyed an evening of painting, munching and giggling.

In addition to their masterpieces, each girl went home with a bound journal.  I was fortunate enough to find these for $1.00 at Michael's with each of the girls' initials!  I tucked a King-sized Hershey's bar behind them, bagged them in cellophane and tied them with a black and white polka-dotted ribbon.