Day 16 - Made In The Shade

The plea began about a month ago - that sultry Saturday when, first the friend's $300 fishing pole plummeted to the bottom of the lake, and then the favorite sunglasses followed.  That was the day the plea began for a new pair of Father's Day shades.  How could I refuse?  The man asks for nothing, needs nothing, wants for nothing.  And so, today, the search began.

Realizing that the money was dwindling with nothing to spare, I knew I couldn't be extravagant.  I knew I had to be frugal.  I knew I had to be smart.  I knew I had --- a Kohl's coupon!  I drove to Kohl's with high hopes.  After walking in the store past 200 pair of trendy women's sunglasses, I finally found the men's - all 15 pair!  I tried them all on.  Then I made the 20-year old clerk try them all on.  I finally settled on one so-so pair.  The glasses were on sale for $12.99.  Determined to use my coupon ($10 off a $20 purchase), I also picked up a super cool pair of sunglasses for myself!  Total purchase price after coupon?  $17.10.

When I got out to my car, I began to have doubts.  The idea behind the budget was to live well, but purposefully.   Were the Kohl's sunglasses really husband-worthy?  I decided to explore further at one of my favorite stores - SteinMart.  Without a coupon, I arrived at SteinMart - a designer boutique-style discount store.  To my delight, there was a fully stocked rack of designer shades ranging from $9.99 to $19.99.  After, again, having the store clerk model several pair for me, I decided on these sporty IZOD shades for $14.99.

Pleased with my purchase, I drove back to Kohl's and returned BOTH pair of sunglasses, realizing that I had fallen for the whole retail-marketing-coupon scam.  I had spent more with the coupon than I would have without it!  To my surprise, the customer service girl gave me a full cash refund plus a Kohl's no-strings-attached store credit for my $10 coupon!  Half way out to the car, I grabbed Anna's arm and said, "Come on, girls, let's see if they have a swim suit!"  Somewhere during the course of the season, we (I) had lost Anna's swim team swim suit.  (For those of you who remember when we lost Samuel's swim suit, I do believe it's a conspiracy!)  There, hanging on the girl's rack, was a black Speedo swimsuit with blue and white trim - not an exact match to the team's official suit - but better than pink!  It fit and Anna could not have been happier.  Neither could I - $30 Speedo swimsuit less 50% off less $10 store credit = $5!  

We were made in the shade!


Sunglasses:  $16.04
Swimsuit:  $6.05

TOTAL:  $22.09