Day 11 - The Husband, The Handyman

To fully understand the significance of this post, one must know a little bit about my husband.  Now I'm not going to comment on his ability to be a handyman (he's accomplished pretty much every task he's set his mind to), I'm going to comment on his desire (or in this case, his lack of desire) to be a blogger.  You see, my husband is not a big fan of "The Blog".  It's not that he opposes my desire for a creative and written outlet, it's just that A) He's a very private person and B) He would like to think that I make good use of my time. (i.e. Me staying up until midnight blogging when he doesn't have any clean underwear doesn't go over well!)

So imagine my surprise and confusion when he walked in the door and said, "I spent four dollars and it's on your camera."  I had no idea what he was talking about.  I went to look for some strange attachment on my camera and saw nothing!  Later in the day, I downloaded some pictures from my camera and found these:  pictures he had taken (in Simple Girl fashion!) of him saving money by replacing his own tail light!!!

There is a certain satisfaction that can be found in doing something yourself - in happening to have the right tools and in using ones cognitive resources to complete a new challenge.

Way to go, Hon!

The Economic Dilemma

And since we are talking about my husband today, I will address this economic dilemma:  Razor Blades.  My husband told me about a month ago that he was on his last razor blade.  I delayed.  Today, he said he would not shave anymore without a new blade, but that he was happy to grow a beard for the sake of the budget.  I shopped.  Here was the dilemma:  At Costco, I could buy a pack of 20 razors for $40.99.  That's around $2.00 per blade - smart economic choice, but also a big financial expenditure.  At Target, I could buy 2 blades and a razor for $7.99.  That's around $4.00 per blade - a poorer economic choice, but a lesser financial output.  I made the poorer economic choice and bought the smaller pack of blades from Target.  At least my husband is still shaving!

Today's Spending

Gas:  $40.29 (Ouch!)
Groceries:  $47.80 (Includes food for tomorrow's party for 17 people!)
Razors and Kids Toothpaste:  $11.62
New Tail light bulb (and a spare):  $4.69

TOTAL:  $104.40