I Love Target!

As if I needed any more reasons to shop at Target, I found this:  Caldrea.  Caldrea is a high-end home care company.  It's eco-friendly and, now, super affordable!   I first became acquainted with this budding brand in 1999.  I read about it in a magazine and recognized that it was started by a women from my hometown, Minneapolis.  I was inspired by her start-up story.  As a new mom, I was going through my wistful dreaming stage.  How could I earn a living while I stayed home and raised my kids?  Mass-produce handmade artisan soaps in my garage?  Weave beautiful rugs out of recycled clothing, perhaps?  Well, I guess some people are dreamers and some people are doers.  Monica Nassif, the founder, is a doer.  She also launched the more familiar "Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day" products.

Once only available at high end stores, these Caldera products, with plant-derived ingredients and natural essential oils are now available at Target!  I've always been a fan of the Williams-Sonoma soap and lotion sets.  They sit high on my Christmas list every year.  The problem?  By the end of the year, I've refilled my soap ten times and the lotion is still three-quarters full!    This three-item set is the perfect solution.  It contains hand soap, countertop spray and dish soap!  All items I use daily.  All three items plus the holder are just $19.99!   I bought the Olive Oil scent but it also comes in Citron Ginger and Herbs of Provence.  For me, it's these little luxuries that make the daily keeping of the home just a little more pleasurable.