Blog Archive

From Brazil ( styling )

By now you should know our love for fashion and other creative collages; We are in the Trend business, so ‘appropriate to recreate’ could be our mojo — tearing, cutting, pasting, to create moodboards is part of our daily regimen. You may think that creating collages is not too complicated, but we would strongly disagree! Finding the right images, the right background, cutting and tearing, and finding the words that capture the mood or only half the work.

from the source indicated below

Appropriate to recreate. Daily collages/artworks from the best magazines around the globe. In the visual arts, to appropriate means to adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects (or the entire form) of man-made visual culture. The term appropriation refers to the use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work (as in ‘the artist uses appropriation’) or refers to the new work itself (as in ‘this is a piece of appropriation art’). The artist who uses appropriation may borrow image, sound, objects, forms or styles from art history or [(popular culture)] or other aspects of man made visual culture. Inherent in the process of appropriation is the fact that the new work re-contextualizes whatever it borrows to create the new work. In most cases the original ‘thing’ remains accessible as the original, without change. And here’s it’s from Brazil, with love.

The photos and the texts on this blog are sourced from books and by various sites from the internet (apart from the ones taken by me). Original source is always mentioned. If you feel your photorights have been violated or they have been presented in a negative way, please send me mail. I´ll remove them from my blog immediately.
Thank you