Blog Archive

Decoy Magazine ( styling )

Fashion illustrator Richard Kilroy gave Trendland the exclusivity on the latest issue of his fashion illustration magazine Decoy. With issue 3 it has made the leap from black & white to traditional color newsprint. In this issue you can find a new A2 exclusive centerfold by Richard Gray, and accompanying interview, a exclusive illustration by D&AD award winner Jean Paul Thurlow, 4 new illustrations of SS12 by Richard Kilroy, a 3 page feature on Alex Noble with interview, illustrations and images, a 2 page interview with Sabine Pieper and an interview with Art Director Akmal Shaukat.
from the source indicated below

The photos and the texts on this blog are sourced from books and by various sites from the internet (apart from the ones taken by me). Original source is always mentioned. If you feel your photorights have been violated or they have been presented in a negative way, please send me mail. I´ll remove them from my blog immediately.
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