Blog Archive

September Favourites :)

Did I say I'd get back to posting regularly? What a load of bollocks that was - sorry! :P

September was madness in calendar form. I went to Kyoto with my mom, I had university bureaucracy to deal with, I came back to the UK and am still in the process of adapting to city life (did anyone try to get on the Jubilee line today?! My goodness, I felt like I was back in rush hour Tokyo!), and I'm starting uni in 2 days! Madness in calendar form.

So I'm back now but not going to make any promises of consistent posting as I have no idea how long this madness intends to continue for! But October promises to be a great month with meet-ups and reunifications with some favourite bloggers - and the TOWIB event of course! :) Excitingggg tiiiimesss!

Anyway, enough babbling :)

My favourite blog/YouTube by far in September had to be Sandra's YouTube. She has such an open mind about products and doesn't just stick to cult products, so she brings in loads of products in her videos that I've never heard of before. She also has really good taste, and has massively enabled me in many of her videos! :) Sandra's also incredibly honest about products no matter how big the hype, and I feel like she's one of those people who doesn't just hoard and never use products, but actually has a reason for a lot of the products she buys which adds to her personality, and also kind of gives a hint as to why and in what situation I would want something :) She also has a lovely voice to listen to! :P

And here are my favourite beauty products of September :)

Were any of these in your favourites too?
What were your favourites? :)
