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iheartfaces Photo Challenge - Best Face of 2010

For this week's I Heart Faces photo challenge, we were asked to go through all our photos from 2010 and pick our best one.  Not an easy task for someone with such adorable subjects!  (OK, so I'm a little biased!) As you may or may not know, I am not a professional photographer - just a mom with a camera!  Having said that, I couldn't pick just one adorable face, I had to pick three! (I'm sure my blog-dodging teenage son won't mind :-)

This picture was taken on one of those first gorgeous days of spring, a day when I decided we needed to delay the homework, skip the piano practicing and go to the park.  How often, I wonder, do we forget to just play?  I love the sheer joy in their faces.  It's how I hope they will remember their childhood someday!

For more great faces, visit iheartfaces!