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Black Forest Cupcakes {MSC}

Necessity is the mother of invention.

If you've been following my blog this week, you know that we've been snowed in for a record five days!    A measly six inches of snow has frozen a southern town - a town that does not own a snowplow, a sand truck or a shovel.  For a week, we've been without school, without mail and without pizza delivery!  As a midwestern girl living in the south, I used to laugh when the mere mention of snow would send people into a frenzy, emptying the grocery store shelves of milk, bread and water, but no more!  Shamefully, I looked in the garage this week and realized we owned neither a snow shovel nor an ice scraper!  I'm turning into a southern belle!

Next time I will head their warning.... Next time I will buy my cupcake ingredients in advance!  
As for today, I will listen to Plato and use my resourcefulness to bake my version of..... 
Black Forest Cupcakes!

When I realized that driving to the grocery store was probably not a safe idea, I rummaged through the pantry to see which ingredients I had on hand.  As I compared them to the recipe, I counted at least seven items missing.  Not a good start to a cupcake recipe.  What could I make that would combine the elements crucial to a Black Forest Cupcake - Chocolate, Cherries and Cream?

I did find two types of cherries - dried sour cherries and sweet maraschino cherries.

Although the maraschino cherries were much more beautiful, I opted for the dried sour cherries, imagining their taste would best compliment the element of chocolate.

I reconstituted them a bit in hot water and added them to a cheesecake filling.  The cheesecake filling was not-too-sweet and proved to be the perfect compliment for the sour cherries.

I didn't have sour cream or dark brown sugar, so I used Martha's delicious one-bowl chocolate recipe instead, again, using the old vinegar-in-the-milk trick in place of buttermilk.

I put a dollop of cherry cheesecake filling in the center of each chocolate cupcake and baked as directed. 

Looking for a little more cherry flavor, I decided to convert Martha's Strawberry Meringue Buttercream into Sour Cherry Swiss Meringue.  I did this by reconstituting more cherries, processing them in the blender, and adding them to the buttercream at the end.

The resulting taste was delicious and complex, although I would have preferred a smoother texture.

I added another layer of chocolate by including the chocolate ganache that was in the original recipe.

I topped that with some chocolate shavings,

and decided to finish it with a maraschino cherry.

Here, you can see all the layers.
My husband and son thought they were delicious!  Not a bad ending to a snowed-in week...
Or maybe it's just cabin fever!

Thanks to Janine at Janine's Crazy World for today's great selection!

Simple Girl's Black Forest Cupcakes
  1. Martha's One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes
  2. Sour Cherry Cheesecake Filling - Mix Together
    1. 16 ounce Cream Cheese
    2. 3 ounces powdered sugar
    3. 2 eggs
    4. 1 cup chopped, reconstituted dried sour cherries
  3. Martha's Chocolate Ganache
  4. Sour Cherry Swiss Meringue Frosting