How to Apply Flawless Foundation

Hellooooo, (especially to the 8 of you - love and respect for having faith in a blog with.. well, 7 followers without you!)

So. After trial and error, I've finally found a foundation routine that I love (I actually look forward to doing it.. lol, sad?), and I've learnt a lot through YouTube and the aforementioned trial and error so I thought I'd share with you guys! :)

(Remember to check out the rest of my videos @ :))
And to refer to what it looks like properly - go to my post from 11.15 FOTD! And trust me my skin is far from clear!

Key things to think about when choosing your foundation is basically..
* Am I cool (yellow) or warm (pink) toned? (This is in MAC terms.. most other companies use cool = pink, warm = yellow!)
* Is this shade matching my neck? (ALWAYS go with a trusted friend!)
* Is it the right darkness/lightness?
* Do I want a dewy or a matte finish?

The products that I used can be found on the left-hand side bar - I list my current faves there :)

Just remember that there are many ways to apply your foundation, and the 'best way' to apply your foundation depends mostly on what you like, but also the foundation. For example, is this particular foundation not good with a sponge because the sponge soaks it all up (this actually does depend on consistency etc.,!)? Or is this foundation too thick to be applying with a orthodox, flat, foundation brush?

I'm not a pro. So I may be chatting absolute bollocks but this is what I've learnt and what I've found to be the simplest way to explain foundations :) Hope you found it helpful, and leave any questions that you'd like. Here's mine to you:

What's your go-to/holy grail foundation?

TLC guys, TLC.