College Care Packages

I have to admit that for a moment I felt old when I realized that we have SEVEN significant cousins-nephews-babysitters-friends in college!  Where has the time gone?  In an attempt to stay connected, the kids and I decided to designate our Monday off of school to creating College Care Packages for those we miss.  As I considered what to include, I thought it best to stick with the classic trio:  Chocolate Chip Cookies, M&M Brownies and Rice Krispy Treats.  Oddly enough, I forgot to take pictures of these!

I did get a picture, however, of the girls bagging some edible packing material.  
Popcorn is so much tastier than styrofoam peanuts! 

Crisp, cellophane bags and simple, printed labels give the package a professional look.

Here are all the boxes spread out on my kitchen table.  I looked up school colors online and packaged each one with color-coordinated tissue paper and curly ribbon - purple and white for Northwestern, Gold and Black for Vanderbilt, red and blue for The Johnnies..... You get the picture!

And then it was off to the Post Office!

Best Wishes to Charlie, Kelsey, Joshua, Emily,Will, Sarah and Geno!
We Miss You!