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Balsamic Glazed Kale

I was feeling stressed out yesterday, so I drove to Whole Foods and bought kale.  I had a choice.  It was either that or work on my study of the Book of Esther.  I chose kale. Queen Esther was brave and I felt like sulking. Queen Esther looked death in the eye. I was being attacked by miniscule problems.  Queen Esther wore her regal clothes. I was wearing my distressed jeans. (BTW, I paid extra for those holes!)

As I walked through Whole Foods, I wondered what Esther served the King at the royal banquet.  I think she served him kale. Not just any kale, but this kale -   Balsamic Glazed Kale with Caramelized Onions. Touted as the world's healthiest food, kale is certainly fit for a king - a superfood created by God.

I've always wanted to eat more kale, but I just wasn't sure what to do with it.  In my opinion, when it comes to veggies, simple preparation is usually best.  I serve most of our cooked vegetables steamed or roasted with olive oil and kosher salt.  This is a similar preparation, just bumped up a notch!

Start by thinly slicing 1/2 of a large Vidalia Onion.  Cook it on low heat with 2 teaspoons of olive oil for 10 - 15 minutes until it's soft and golden brown.  If you don't have the sweet Vidalia variety, add a teaspoon of sugar to help with the caramelization.

When they're done, they should look something like this.

Next, strip the kale leaves from the hard stem and give them a rough chop. 

Turn the heat up to medium-high, add another teaspoon of olive oil and saute for 1 - 2 minutes tops.  Sprinkle with a pinch of kosher salt. You just want the leaves to wilt to about half of their original volume. We're not cooking collard greens here. We still want a little crunch.

Here comes the magic:  Modenaceti's Balsamic Glaze.  I discovered this at a local restaurant where they served it in olive oil for bread dipping and it is delicious! You can find it on Amazon.  I've seen it in grocery stores.

Put a good squirt or two on the kale and toss. Add another squirt for serving. If you don't have any balsamic glaze, mix equal parts brown sugar and balsamic vinegar.

The walk around the store helped clear my mind.  Maybe I can be brave like Esther.  Maybe my little problems are just that - little problems.  It's funny how a little kale and a little Esther can change your perspective!

For more information on the amazing health benefits of kale, click HERE!

Balsamic Glazed Kale
by Rachel @ Simple Girl

1 bunch kale
1/2 large Vidalia onion
olive oil
kosher salt
Modenaceti's Balsamic Glaze

  1. Thinly slice 1/2 of onion.  Cook in 2 teaspoons of olive oil on low for 10 - 15 minutes until caramelized.  Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, if desired.
  2. Strip kale leaves from their tough stalks and rough chop.
  3. Add another teaspoon of olive oil to the pan, turn heat to medium-high and add kale.
  4. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
  5. Saute until kale is about 1/2 the volume.
  6. Add two squirts Balsamic Glaze and toss.