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Angel Prints Presentation of 3D Ultrasound And 4D Ultrasound

Presentation of 3D Ultrasound And 4D Ultrasound


There is a new type of Ultrasound , which allows the mother to see the 3D or 4D image of the child. It is very exciting and new, but it goes beyond being able to see the real child in the womb. You can see the authentic size and skin of baby as if you're holding in your arms. This is the innovation of drama residential by Dr. Stuart Campbell . It's much more powerful than the image displayed on 3d Ultrasounds, which is still important.

According to a BBC report, doctors and childhood development specialists have been witness to the new and fascinating behaviors of the fetus while in the womb. They have developed new standards for babies in utero, which normally we would not be able to recognize.

For example, you can see the fetus in the womb walking in the 12 weeks of pregnancy. Infants may have noticed yawning and rubbing their eyes. What a wonderful it should be. Of course, 3d Ultrasounds and 4d Ultrasounds provide a image of unborn baby inside the womb.

At 12 weeks, most mothers feel that first kick at the second stage of pregnancy, and it is proof that this actually happens. At 18 weeks, the baby’s eyes can open, whereas in the past, doctors thought they were fused until 26 weeks. At 26 weeks, 3D or 4d Ultrasounds review baby behaviors such as sucking, smiling, scratching and hiccups.

3D Ultrasound

Although the 3d Ultrasounds technology can be used anywhere on the body, elective 3d Ultrasound traditionally refers to 3d Ultrasound examinations are carried out exclusively for a pregnant woman to see her unborn child, what the baby looks like, or see the baby is a boy or a girl. In the medical literature, these elective 3d Ultrasounds are also called to keepsake the Ultrasound , although this term is rarely the population and only sometimes used by the media.

4D Ultrasound

4d Ultrasounds take pictures of the 3D ultrasonic and add the element of time to this process. The result: Live Ultrasound images of work your child. If you are pregnant, your obstetrician will certainly do 4d Ultrasound examination of the uterus. Do you have any idea what this scanning is all about? It is basically the latest technology that allows the doctor and the mother to see images from the live action of the child inside the womb.

4d Ultrasounds will help obstetricians to know a lot of Information about unborn child like-

1. Age of fetus
2. Stage of fetus development
3. Check twin fetuses
4. Identify the problem in the uterus or any part of the reproductive system
5. Identify the placenta and fetal position
6. Spot abnormal bleeding
7. To identify an ectopic pregnancy
8. Search for cancers of the uterus and ovaries

this experience with the 3D/4D Ultrasounds is amazing and I would recommend it to especially pregnant women’s. See your unborn baby up close and personal. This experience would be incredible, and will never forget.

Angel Prints Ultrasounds provides 3d Ultrasounds and 4d Ultrasounds for expecting parents in Lafayette and Baton Rouge, LA and other surrounding areas in Louisiana. For More Information visit here: