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Furry Monster Cupcakes

The book calls them Fur Balls, Ella calls them Puppy Dogs and I just call them adorable.  Who could resist these cute little monster cupcakes?  Created by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson in their second cupcake book, What's New, Cupcake?, these delectable treats were the perfect birthday cupcakes for Arielle and her classmate and birthday buddy, Noah.  

To get started, all you need are some mini cupcakes and some standard-sized cupcakes. 

But don't put them together like this.......

It works much better to stack the mini cupcake upside down like this.  Next, use your leaf tip to pipe on layers of fur frosting in the color of your choice.  The book uses frosting from a can which holds its shape better.  I used homemade cream cheese frosting, which tastes better!  Start at the bottom and work your way to the top.


To make the puppy-love eyes, use gummy rings, skittles and dum-dums 
(or smart-smarts as we like to call them.)

Push the unwrapped lollipop through the gummy ring.  They fit perfectly.  Next affix the skittles onto the lollipops with some white frosting.  Push the lollipop sticks into the top of the cupcake and finish with a skittle button nose.

Your new friends are ready to celebrate!

Aren't they adorable?